
Lirik Lagu

Twisted Logic

Sunlight opened up my eyes

To see for the first time

It opened them up

And tonight

Rivers will run dry

And not for the first time

Rivers will run

Hundreds of years in the future

There could be computers

Looking for life on earth

Don’t fight for the wrong side

Say what you feel like

Say how you feel

You’ll go backwards

But then you’ll go forwards again

You’ll go backwards

But then you’ll go

Created then drilled and invaded

If somebody made it

Someone will mess it up

And you are not wrong to

Ask, who does this belong to?

It belongs to all of us

You’ll go backwards, but then you’ll go forwards again

You’ll go backwards, but then you’ll go forwards

You’ll go backwards, but then you’ll go forwards again

You’ll go backwards, but then you’ll go forwards

Berita tentang Coldplay


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