
Lirik Lagu

The Wild Wild Sea


I saw it again this evening

Black sail in a pale yellow sky

And just as before in a moment

It was gone where the grey gulls fly

If it happens again I shall worry

That only a strange ship could fly

And my sanity scans the horizon

In the light of the darkening sky

That night as I walked in my slumber

I waded into the sea strand

And I swam with the moon and her lover

Until I lost sight of the land

I swam 'til the night became morning

Black sail in the reddening sky

Found myself on the deck of a rolling ship

So far where no grey gulls fly

All around me was silence

As if mocking my frail human hopes

And a question mark hung in the canvas

For the wind that had died in the ropes

I may have slept for an hour

I may have slept for a day

For I woke in a bed of white linen

And the sky was the colour of clay

At first just a rustle of canvas

And the gentlest breath on my face

But a galloping line of white horses

Said that soon we were in for a race

The gentle sigh turned to a howling

And the grey sky she angered to black

And my anxious eyes searched the horizon

With the gathering sea at my back

Did I see the shade of a sailor

On the bridge through the wheelhouse pane?

Held fast to the wheel of the rocking ship

As I squinted my eyes in the rain

For the ship had turned into the wind

Against the storm to brace

And underneath the sailor's hat

I saw my father's face

If a prayer today is spoken

Please offer it for me

When the bridge to heaven is broken

And you're lost on the wild wild sea

And you're lost on the wild wild sea



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