
Lirik Lagu

Pretty Young Soldier


There are two young lovers, they're pledged to each other's hands

They meet by the river to talk of their marriage plans

"I'm confessing," he said, "I've signed for a soldier

I'm leaving tomorrow for some foreign land."

She watches the pretty young soldiers

As they march themselves off to the war

She wonders if she'll ever see him again

Somehow she doubts it, but she has to be sure

So she rode into town on the very next day

And dressed herself up all in man's array

With a sword and a musket she took the King's shilling

And to fight in some foreign war

She said, "Yes!" She'd be willing

All you pretty young soldiers

In those uniforms that you've never worn

The Captain will come to inspect you all now

"Let me down and you'll all wish you'd never been born."

The Captain astride of his horse's grey flanks

Pulls the pretty young soldier from out of the ranks

His gaze it is fixed and she's starting to shake

He said, "Follow me soldier and listen to the offer that I'm willing to make."

"Come you pretty young soldier

Come and be my right hand

You're having this strange effect on my soul

That I don't quite understand."

"Captain, oh Captain, I've a confession to make

I love someone else and my heart it will break."

And as she released her brown hair from a band

It tumbled all down her shoulders and into his hands

"Oh you pretty young soldier

Come and take my right hand

You're having this strange effect on my soul

And now I think, I understand."


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