Lindsay Lohan Mengucapkan "Eid Mubarak" sambil mengutip "Bunda Theresia"

Tanggal: 29 Jun 2017 22:42 wib.
Seorang bintang film Amerika yang sedang belajar tentang agama Islam, menurut beberapa berita, mengucapkan Eid Mubarak, sambil mengutip kata-kata dari bunda theresia.

Eid Mubarak 😇If you judge people, you have no time to love them.
Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.
Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. - Mother Theresas

Lindsay Lohan menulis status itu di akun IG nya. Dari status itu, mendapatkan 53.000 like dan 2.500 komen.

Komennya pun bermacam-macam, ada yang mendukung, ada juga yang mempertanyakan.

juliadwins@lindsaylohan are you Muslim?

shayne.rey.lud@evfebriana mother teresa is a catholic woman who devoted her life to help other.. you can google her 😊

ekasafitrid1Why do u always write quote from Mother Teresa? U ar not moslem. u only respect with us. Oh Allah 😢... How long we hav to wait her to say she is a true muslimah @lindsaylohan

l.isadeEid mubarak to you beautiful. . May Allah bless You 🙏

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